When the world met Taiwan
17世紀荷蘭人 原住民 漢人間ê農民革命愛情故事
In the 17th century, the Dutch East & West India Companies launched their simultaneous exploration of the Americas and Asia. While the Dutch West India Company built "New Amsterdam" on Manhattan Island, New York, "Fort Zeelandia" was established in today’s Tâilâm (Tainan in Mandarin) , Taiwan under the rule of the Dutch East India Company.
When The World Met Taiwan "Koeh Hoâi-it" is a Broadway-style Taiwanese Opera that tells the story of a historical turning point of different ethnic groups in Taiwan and their interlinked struggle for the recognition of the land and the hope of survival. Come and see a group of young dramatists from Taiwan interpret the outbreak of the "Koeh Hoâi-It Incident" - when sickle and hoes shook up the foundation of the Dutch dominance - by combining traditional and modern performance art forms. The opera is performed in Taiwanese, with English and Mandarin subtitles.
The originating play, written by Dr. Nanfang Liu, won many Taiwanese playwright awards, premiered in Taipei's Tōa-tiū-tiâⁿ Theater (大稻埕戲苑), followed by performances in cities such as Chionghòa (Changhua), Hûnlîm (Yunlin), Kohiông (Kaohsiung), Tâilâm and others.
Drama is without borders, performing arts are how people of different cultural backgrounds get to know and accept one another. Through Taiwan opera’s interpretation of the history, we strive to bring Taiwan to the world stage out of the memory of her colonial past and long for a harmonious future among all cultures.
(English & Mandarin subtitles available 中英文字幕)
遇見台灣—原創歌仔戲《郭懷一》美加演出企劃案17 世紀大航海時付,荷蘭東印度公司展開其對於美洲及亞洲的探索。
1624 年荷蘭人在亞洲佔據了福爾摩沙島大員(今台南市安平區)建立「熱蘭遮城」,用以作為對中國、日本等商業據點的樞紐;1626 年荷蘭的西印度公司從北美洲當地人手中買下了曼哈頓島並在其上建立「新阿姆斯特丹」(今紐約),今日的華爾街(Wall Street)正是當時北城牆所在地。
17 世紀的台灣已經是國際社會中的一份子,「熱蘭遮城」成為台灣和世界歷史交會的一個重要印記。當荷蘭人在北美洲建設「新阿姆斯特丹」的時候,西方的文明和侵略同時登上了福爾摩沙:基督教經由荷蘭牧師傳入了台灣,西拉雅族的語言因為有羅馬字的紀錄而被保存;另一方面東印度公司則以「殖民者」的身分對台灣展開經濟的掠奪和生產力的剝削,同
時挑撥族群的衝突以鞏固其利益。1652 年爆發「郭懷一事件」,台灣的平民第一次以「被殖民者」的身分對抗強權;2012 年台灣一群年輕的戲劇創作者將這段歷史重新詮釋並改編為歌仔戲演出,希望台灣人記得「熱蘭遮城」!台灣歷史上包容了不同的族群,大家可以因為對土地的認同而彼此連結、為生存而共同奮鬥。
世界文化向來是在不同族群的交流融合中往前發展, 2017 年台灣原創歌仔戲《郭懷一》受邀在美國紐約「台灣宣教基金會」十周年慶、南加州洛杉磯「台灣文化之夜」、以及加拿大多倫多「台灣基督教會協會」等地演出,希望將台灣的文化和優質的戲劇表演推向國際。最具本土性的藝術,其實卻可能也是最有國際性、最世界化的藝術;歌仔戲洋溢著台灣傳統語
2003 年獲得高雄市劇本創作獎,2012 年入選臺北市立社會教育館「臺北市歌仔戲製作及發表專案」,同年12 月於大稻埕戲苑首演,2013 年開始至彰化、雲林、高雄等地巡演,2014 年228 紀念日於台南文化中心演出,紀念在台灣為生存、為主權而犧牲的生命,許多西拉雅族的原住民前來觀賞,媒體廣泛報導。
17 世紀荷蘭人憑仗著船堅炮利占領台灣,在經濟掠奪之下、逼迫台灣人繳納沉重的稅賦,又向原住民抽「血稅」,徵調西拉雅勇士討伐反叛者,釀成了族群間的衝突與仇恨。1652 年爆發了「郭懷一事件」,這一場鐮刀、鋤頭與槍炮的戰爭,動搖荷蘭人的統治地位,迎來了十年後鄭成功登陸台灣的歷史轉折點。從「福爾摩沙」到「台灣」;從「熱蘭遮城」到「安平」;四百多年來在台灣這片土地上留下了許多被殖民的傷痕,多少次台灣人為爭取自由和生存的權利而奮戰,歌仔戲《郭懷一》重新詮釋這一段台灣歷史,特別製作中英字幕, 希望讓世界通過表演藝新再遇見台灣, 當代的年輕人懂得珍惜得來不易的自由,紀念和關懷這片土地曾經發生過的事,並且將他們的付出視為寶貴。
General普通票 $50(一次買10張普通票以上者可打8 折)
VIP 贊助票 $100
For tickets
TUF office :3001 Walnut Grove Ave., Rosemead CA 91770
email: officemgr@tufusa.org, or call 626 5690692
文|編劇 劉南芳
《郭懷一》描寫著十七世紀大航海時代的台灣, 是台灣進入世界歷史的開始,荷蘭人、漢人、 與原住民跨越不同文化,一同站上舞台。
1624年荷蘭人佔領台灣作為中國和日本間的貿易樞紐, 強迫台灣的西拉雅族原住民與漢人貢獻鹿皮、蔗糖, 經由外銷進入世界經濟體系。荷蘭人為維繫其政權, 在今日安平建造了「熱蘭遮城」,頒布殖民法律;1652年台灣人 為了反抗荷蘭人長久以來的剝削,爆發「郭懷一事件」。
這場「弓箭鋤頭」與「長槍大砲」的戰爭,始於一場中秋慶典, 失敗於告密者的背叛,歷史像是戲劇般展開其扉頁。 被殖民者失去了話語權,翻閱諸多西方記載, 卻鮮少聽見台灣自己的聲音。
台灣面積很小,但是台灣培養了自己的作家、導演和作曲, 我們有年輕一代的創意進入自己的文化,認真地改變和更新。 這些台灣的年輕人在2012年共同完成了《郭懷一》,將1629 年的麻豆溪事件、1652年的郭懷一事件,以及17世紀荷蘭牧師 的書信,集合改編成為21世紀的歌仔戲。 我們有自己的語言和文學;有自己獨特的表演和戲劇作品, 因著我們的創作使得台灣雖然小而顯著,當展現我們的文化, 台灣的存在就與眾不同。
2017年《郭懷一》將來到多倫多、紐約及洛杉磯巡迴演出, 重現當年「熱蘭遮城」的美麗與悲傷;如果歷史是泛黃的書頁, 戲劇就是讓人目不轉睛的彩色繪本。 這不只是一場不容錯過的精彩好戲,你還可以在這裡遇見台灣!
a Beautiful Zelandier and "Koeh Hoai-it"
"Koeh Hoai-it" sets stage in Taiwan during the Great Discovery of the 17th Century, at the onset of Taiwan's debut in the world's history, in which the Dutch, Holo and Hakka Taiwanese, and the aboriginees all shared.
The Dutch occupied southern Taiwan in 1624 as a strategy post to trade with China and Japan, forcing Taiwan's Siraya aboriginess, Holo, and Hakka to contribute deer hides and sugarcane sugar to participate in the global economy. In order to solidify its grip, the Dutch built, in today's Anpeng the fort of Zelandiar, announced? the colonial rule of laws. In 1652, Taiwanese started to resist decades of the Dutch exploitation and suppression, leading up to "Koeh Hoai-it Revolt".
Struggles of "arrows and hoes" against "rifles and cannons" started during an annual mid-autumn festival, ended up in failure due to informers' leaks in the fashion of historic drame. Near total omission and neglects by Western historians, the colonized Taiwanese never had a voice, still little has been mentioned to by Taiwanese to this day.
Not a large country by most measures, Taiwan has more than its share of playrights, directors and composers. Young talents, however, have been launching bold, new intiatives to revist such historic accounts, to better the public's appreciation of own heritage and culture. By combining stories from Moa-tau Creek Incident of 1629 and Koeh Hoai-it Revolt of 1652, with collections of 17th Century correspondences from the Dutch priests, they succeed in composing a truly 21st Century Taiwanese opera, one in Taiwanese, not Mandarin, language. Taiwanese have own languages and literature to showcase through an unique style of operaic? performance to share its own historic journey and contribute towards the richness of the world's culture.
"Koeh Hoai-it" opera will tour Toronto, New York and Los Angeles in 2017, bringing to life beauties and sorrows of historic Fort Zelander?. If history is a collection fading pages, Taiwanese opera can be its vivid, colorful resurrection of consciousness. It will be more than a performance not to miss, the audience will Encounter Taiwan there.
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